A favourite quote and a way by which to approach life.

Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday.

Monday, 10 January 2011


I've seen many different consultants during my time here at RIE, and although I've been told the name of the one I'm supposedly officially under I'm yet to identify him. I think he came to see me while I was in critical care, but as I say, I've seen so many that I'm really not sure any more. There was one consultant of note who came to see me in HDU - a respiratory consultant from this ward. He asked me who my consultant is at home, so I told him Dr H.
'Ah. I know him from our Leeds days.'
I nodded.
'He's got a good pair of legs.'
!!! What can one say? I mean, I don't go looking at my consultant's legs (though maybe I ought to).
'He's, um, very svelte, yes...' I trailed off.
'In defence! I mean he's got a good pair of legs in defence!'
'I mean he's very good at football!'
Notable consultant (also going by the name Dr H, but it's a different H) scurried off looking rather embarrassed. I was left giggling at the predicament he'd put himself in, and the thought of my Dr H having 'a good pair of legs'.

I saw this RIE Dr H on my way into the ward. He saw me. He looked quite embarrassed all over again and busied himself with the hand gel at the door. He seems like a nice guy (I'm yet to check out his legs), and the staff seem to like him, so I've been sure to tell them all about his little faux pas ;oP


Valerie said...

An amusing tale. I wonder if I should check out my Doc's legs next time I see him, just in case someone asks...grins.

BeckyG said...

Oh yes, definitely check out your doc's legs next time. I may be asking mine for a showing of himself in shorts ... or maybe not ;oP