A favourite quote and a way by which to approach life.

Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday.

Saturday 2 May 2009

On the move

I had a brief escape off the ward today when a friend came and took me for a trundle in the park :o) It was lovely. There was a gentle breeze, but it was sunny and warm enough for me to be out in the wheelchair in my pjs, dressing gown and a blanket. I only had slipper socks on my feet so they got a bit chilly after a while, but that was only after sitting for quite some time by the pond and feeding the ducks. Actually, the ducks weren't interested - I think they'd had their full of bread by the influx of Saturday visitors - and barely ruffled a feather when bread landed on them. So for a while we threw bread at the pond and the concrete around the pond (not very exciting, I can assure you), and ended up feeding the pigeons.

It was so lovely to get out for a bit. Apart from a relatively short trip to the bathroom the other day I haven't been out of my little room since I got here. Although I'm used to it, it does get somewhat claustrophobic, and a bit weird when you hardly see anyone all day for several days. It makes exposure to the rest of the world something of a shock when I'm eventually 'set free'. And speaking of being set free, it's going to happen tomorrow :oD Hurray! The SpR came round this morning and was relatively happy with how things had gone since stopping the aminophylline, and although my peak flows are certainly nothing to write home about, they are better than when I came in. I was still on the oxygen when the doc came, but I've been without since shortly afterwards and I've been okay (my sats tonight were 94% on room air), so all is on track for home tomorrow. I'll have to wait for the final 'yes' from the doc tomorrow, but my script has been done, pharmacy have checked it, and my lift home is organised for around 2pm :o)

I'm so looking forward to getting home. As ever it's going to take a while to get back on my feet, but it's going to be good to be back in my own space, and back with Zach >^..^< They always do a fantastic job here, and I know for sure that I'm in excellent hands, but it's also always fantastic to get back into life :o) Here's to going home!


Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure, really enjoyed it. Pleased to hear that you are heading home tomorrow

rattles said...

becky im so glad your better and able to go home tomorrow just take it easy and dont push yourself to hard to quickly! It takes a while to get over these things as you know so well!! Big hugs and im glad your well enough to go home i look forwards to hearing from you soon hon. Big hugs Xx

KSD said...

How are you doing now? Hope things continuing to improve.